Comcast - Burstable Traffic
I have seen a few posts on this, but want to confirm one thing on my shaping profile. My actual bootfile is 13200/2200. I understand burst traffic is what it is, great if you have it…and it drops down after a set interval - never guaranteed - Comcast language states: "PowerBoost provides bursts of download and upload speeds for the first 10 MB and 5 MB of a file, respectively."
My ATA sits behind the the fw...I really only want to carve out G.729 but do not want not prioritize any data. Is there a way I could setup two separate queues where EF is honored regardless of AF? Maybe ingress to the inside interface? Say 64k for voice, and drop the remaining - the burstable is honored unless I hit the voice queue?
I suspect not, as the interface speed must be set fixed as 13200...just didn't know if I could allocate it differently with an additional separate queue.