SSD Armageddon
today suddenly the Transcend SSD (32GB) in my pfsense has died without any alarm from SMART. So as I don't had another SSD at home I took an older Seagate HDD and put it into the machine. After that I did a clean install with an 2.5.0 image from a Memstick. So far so good. I took my config.xml and proceed to rebuild. Here the trouble began: because I had before crash a pfblockerND-devel installation with DNSBL in Python mode unbound could not start because it was in Python Mode but the Python was missing and so no package could be installed. After removing the Python mode in Unbound he started without problems and I could install all the packages that was configurated in my config.xml
Now everything is like before except the logs and db - they are now in digital Nirvana! :-)Have a fine Weekend,
fireodoPS. After this sudden death of the SSD I'm unsettled if a SSD is the right drive for the pfsense, but maybe I had simply bad luck and the SSD was faulty ...