quick way to get sg1100 image
Any quick way to request an image for the sg1100? I am about to upgrade to 21.02_2 but I like to have an image downloaded in case something goes wrong. I guess I can download the community edition and upgrade again if needed but maybe I just like to be safe. I purchased 5 of the sg1100 but on 3 of them I had to do manual upgrades when going to 2.4.x so I am a bit worried this time around. The last upgrade went just fine but I am not sure.
You can request it at go.netgate.com, no support plan required.
Strange that manual intervention was necessary. Did you allow enough time? (15 minutes minimum to install and reboot, I'd say)
@steveits thank you for the prompt reply. I have done it before but complete forgot how to request an image. I did the upgrade on 5 and 3 went smoothly. The two that had problems were stuck in upgrade for about 2 hours on one abs the other about 90 mins before I decided to manually intervene.
Overall I guess some bugs are to be expected but mostly I am happy with Netgate hardware.
Thanks again