Dual wan
Hi guys
I am new to pfsense.
I want two wans connected to the box as load balancing. Is it possible to a primary connection which always is taken first if available, and is it possible to lead a specific LAN IP or range through a specific wan interface?
Yes, you can use a failover gateway group and apply that instead of load balancing to some or all traffic.
Yes, you can policy route all traffic from one internal subnet via a specific gateway.https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/multiwan/load-balance-and-failover.html
What you're talking about is fallback, not load balancing. With load balancing, you need parallel connections to the same ISP and the traffic will be distributed over the multiple connections. It would also provide some fallback capability. Also, with fallback, any TCP connections will be broken.
Thanks a lot guys - amazing great help always here