Speedtest for Netgate appliances (arm64)
Is anyone aware of a Ookla Speedtest package that can be compiled for arm64 and used on pfSense appliances?
Not that I know of. But you can read through this thread:
and you'll find that you're better off running Speedtest from a client inside your FW. HTH -
@provels: Giving up on Speedtest on the appliance!
This method is pretty bulletproof for me on x86, try it out:
As per this page How To Install Speedtest-cli On a FreeBSD To Check Internet Speed, I simply ran these two commands in the GUI at Diagnostics / Command Prompt / Execute Shell Command:
pkg search speedtest
This returned the following:
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidthso I ran this command:
pkg install -y py38-speedtest-cli-2.1.3
Then from there I simply run speedtest