Wrong external IP set after rc.newwanip restarting pppoe0
I have a question regarding pppoe IP renewal (rc.newwanip), at the moment I get a wrong external IP set. Instead of the first IP x.73 we have on the Standard Gateway another IP is set for the WAN for a moment on restart via rc.newwanip.
- WAN is in PPPOE Mode, a WAN LINK state change started the authentication witch is succesfull.
But the WAN real interface is changed from .73 to .76, after this IpSEC and OpenVPN services are bind to .76 instead the correct .73 gateway. See logs:
/rc.newwanip: Netgate pfSense Plus package system has detected an IP change or dynamic WAN reconnection - xx.xx.xxx.73 -> xx.xx.xxx.76 - Restarting packages.
May 20 01:51:12 php-fpm 353 /rc.newwanip: Forcefully reloading IPsec
May 20 01:51:08 php-fpm 353 /rc.newwanip: IP Address has changed, killing states on former IP Address xx.xx.xxx.73.
May 20 01:51:08 php-fpm 353 /rc.newwanip: Default gateway setting Interface WAN_PPPOE Gateway as default.
May 20 01:51:07 php-fpm 353 /rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: on (IP address: xx.xx.xxx.76) (interface: WAN[wan]) (real interface: pppoe0).- We have Virtual IPs set for some other services.
- The Internet is working so the default GW is selected for LAN etc.
- Only the OpenVPN and IpSEC services are bind to the wrong IP.
Is there a way to force them to bind to the correct External IP?
Would it make sense to stop monitoring the Gateway state to prevent WAN rebinding in case of a PPPoE state change?Thanks in Advance, Daniel
@danielvanderwal check if the username and password accidentally changed. IP given by the providers.
@danielvanderwal Any IP Aliases on the PPPoE interface?
maybe https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/11629 -
Thanks Victor, this seems a related/the same issue. Could we contribute with our Logs to this bug in anyway. For us it's a bit of a show stopper. Are there any workarounds possible or would reverting to 2.4.5-p1 the only option? -
Any IP Aliases on the PPPoE interface?
No, only some other Virtual IP's configured -
@danielvanderwal said in Wrong external IP set after rc.newwanip restarting pppoe0:
Thanks Victor, this seems a related/the same issue. Could we contribute with our Logs to this bug in anyway. For us it's a bit of a show stopper. Are there any workarounds possible or would reverting to 2.4.5-p1 the only option?pfSense 2.4.5-p1 doesn't support Virtual IPs on PPPoE interfaces, this is a new 2.5 feature: