Since upgrading to pfsense + there were difficulty in EVERY upgrade
I have a sg-51000 and for each upgrade to pfSense+ 21 and almost all dot upgrades,the system did not bootup there the web interface. I had to use the terminal interface (through the USB port) and manually restore the latest backup to get the system work. I been on the phone with tech support many hours to get the first version to work. Now is it old hat just to go to the terminal window. Pfsense people - any explanation. Community- am I the only one have this issue?
@munson Was there anything in the logs about why it wasn't starting?
Did you try backup/save your config, reset to factory defaults, then try to upgrade?
How about going through steps in the Upgrade Troubleshooting guide?I don't think that I've seen a lot of failures like you're saying.
First of all, the SG-5100 is a great product and I appreciate all the support Netgate has provided. This post was to inform you and inquire whether I am the only one having this issue for the + version. It just seem too coincidental, that I rarely had a problem with other upgrades and now I have upgrading problems more frequently. As I noted in my post, upgrading has been a problem sense upgrading to the + version. My practice now is to backup before each and every upgrade and if the upgrade is not successful, use console mode to restore to the latest configuration. That seems to work, but not convenient. I am wondering if others having the same experience or I have a data integrity or other problem. I don't think I have a hardware problem, since my system is rock solid.
Thanks Eric
For your information here is the email chain when first upgrading to the + version. If I remember correctly, Max finally helped me resolve the problem in the first + upgrade. Perhaps this may help you.
You are always welcome, Eric.
Thanks for the feedback! We appreciate that.
I'll mark this ticket closed.
At your service,
-Danilo Z.Manage your support request online at
On Sat, Mar 20 at 4:37 AM , Eric wrote:
Thank you.
EricOn Mar 19, 2021, at 7:55 PM, Kris wrote:
Hello Eric,Glad you were able to resolve this issue. Please let us know if we can provide any further assistance.
KrisOn Fri, Mar 19 at 2:38 PM , Eric wrote:
MaxI made some tweaks and the data rate issue appears to be resolved. No action is requested on your part. Eric
EricOn Mar 19, 2021, at 11:01 AM, Eric wrote:
For clarification, the SG-5100 is the OpenVPN server and my iPhones and laptops are the clients.Thanks
From: Eric
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2021 10:59 AM
To: Max
Subject: New issue with OpenVPNGood morning.
I am trying to solve a new issue with pfSense+. After I migrated and resolved the rules for OpenVPN as you suggested, I found the data speed is abysmal. I have symmetric 1gbs fibre from Cox. Prior to the update I was getting over 50 mbs in either direction. Now I am getting under 10 mbs. The only changes I made were the upgrade and VPN rules (as you suggested). Memory and CPU utilization were under 10%.
Any suggestions?
From: Max
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 4:30 PM
To: Eric ubject: Re: Request ID [#INC-78124]: anything I should be concerned hereHi Eric,
Do you have an allow rule on your WAN interface to allow the OpenVPN server ports from any source to the destination WAN address? That will be needed for the incoming OpenVPN connections.
The rule would be something like this on WAN:
--Netgate Support
[#INC-78124]:163083:fs -
@munson I've not used a 5100, but have had a 2440 for a while, recently picked up a 2100. Completely agree with Netgate, customer service, etc (all good stuff so far).
I'm not aware of anything that would result in the GUI not loading. It sounds to me like something is interrupting the boot process before it gets to the point where it starts.
The best visibility into that kind of issue comes from connecting to the serial console and logging the output of the boot process to see if anything unusual happens there. That is also good to have during upgrades so you can see what is happening during the entire process.
Depending on your operating system that can be fairly easy to setup in something like PuTTY, screen, etc.
I don't have any 5100's, but every single 3100 I have (I think 14 online at the moment) has bricked on pfSense+ major and minor updates, plus major rule rewrites were required after restore on the initial pfSense+ update for several.