Zabbix 5 agent causes disk to “fill” slowly - but not…
After I started to monitor my sg-2100 pfSense 21.05 with the Zabbix Agent 5 package, the diskspace is slowly exausted over the course of about 2.5 weeks - kind of..
The thing is, a “df -h” shows diskspace (7Gb) being nearly spent after about 2.5 weeks. But a “du -h” shows that all files and folder only use 2.1Gb - which also was the average diskuse on a permanent basis before installing the Zabbix agent.
I can’t find files or folders that occupy the remaining almost 5Gb.
I can reclaim the diskspace by simply rebooting the pfsense with the “Check file system” option set, and the process starts over.
How do I find the offending module and I assume open file that is being appended to but never reports it’s new size?
Or is there something more complex at play here? Filesystem fault that does not release diskspace again?I should mention that memory usage also goes from about 15% of 4Gb to about 41% during the same 2.5 weeks.
After a reboot - like the disk use problem - it starts over again.So probably some leaking feature or flaw in the zabbix agent?
Mind you, I did update to 21.05 at almost the same time, sp I cannot really conslusively blame the Zabbix agent. It might be the OS upgrade that caused something else to start leaking
I'm on 2.4.5-P1
And have been running Zabbix Client for a looong time.
It is not my impression that it gobbles diskspace.
My increase seemed to come from BandwidhD.
I do have 240GB on my main , and 64GB on my summerhouse machine.
My main is using 10% of 213GB , my shouse is using 20% of 55GB
I have never bothered to find out what was using what ...
I do syslog to remote , but suppose somethings are also logged to local./Bingo
@bingo600 said in Zabbix 5 agent causes disk to “fill” slowly - but not…:
I'm on 2.4.5-P1
And have been running Zabbix Client for a looong time.
It is not my impression that it gobbles diskspace.
My increase seemed to come from BandwidhD.
I do have 240GB on my main , and 64GB on my summerhouse machine.
My main is using 10% of 213GB , my shouse is using 20% of 55GB
I have never bothered to find out what was using what ...
I do syslog to remote , but suppose somethings are also logged to local./Bingo
Yeah, that’s how it should be. I use zabbix agent 5 on another box running 2.4.5.p1, and that does not exibit this behaviour.
But like I said, it might not be the zabbix agent.Is there any command line tools that can assist in identifiying open and growing files - or perhaps a tool that can report which files are seeing writes being done?
@keyser said in Zabbix 5 agent causes disk to “fill” slowly - but not…:
Is there any command line tools that can assist in identifiying open and growing files - or perhaps a tool that can report which files are seeing writes being done?
Sorry i'm not a FreeBSD guru
@bingo600 After some additional digging it seems it’s not related to Zabbix but rather unbound resolver in combination with pfblockerNG-devel 3.0.16
I’m investigating further for now, but stopping pfblockerNG (which stops and reconfigures unbound) releases the allocated diskspace which then returns to the 25% it should be.
Maybe it’s something related to the new python integration i pfblockerNG and Unbound.
The Issue must have arisen when I upgraded to 21.05 from 21.02
I’ll close this thread and create a new one under the pfBlockerNG forum.