pfsense 21.05 remote logging
I have pfsense sending all logs to a remote log server and this has been working fine for months but I recently noticed the unbound.log stopped on 6/19 and the rollover to 6/20 contains no log data. Typically these logs are 10M to 15M in size and the log on the 19th was around 1.8M. That said, syslogd logs are shipping to this server and show a date of Jun 30. The same for several others like root.log and php.log, they are all getting data from pfsense. This has me wondering if something with unbound is amiss since normally that log file is good size.
I've tried disabling and enabling remote logging in pfsense. I've tried toggling unbound logs and saving that but I still dont see unbound logs shipping to my log server.
Is anyone else seeing anything similar? -
@p32spaceblaster okay I just unchecked, 'Enable DNSSEC Support' in the DNS Resolver and the logs started pouring in. I've had this on for a while and it worked with it checked. Just to be certain i checked 'enable dnssec support' again and applied it and its still logging. Maybe just needed a kick in the pants? Anyway, its working again.
@p32spaceblaster so I just noticed this has stopped again. It may have to do with performing updates on my Ubuntu log server and when I do a reboot but I've done this the same way for some time and had never noticed it. I feel like this is something new. I'm going to monitor further and see if I can replicate it. I think pfsense fails to ship logs sometimes after I reboot my log server.