no hostname for Ipv6 SAAC
I am aware why with DHCPv6 or RA/SLAAC the hostname is not available. However the MAC address is and in IPv4/v6 DHCP environments the hostname could be derived from the DHCP4 MAC/IP/Hostname table.
Could this not help providing information within the pfsense GUI? When analyzing traffic/blocks etc. I often geht the IPv6 hostname or IP address but finding the corresponding client on the LAN is always a pain... I either have to look in DHCPv6 release or NDP table to find the MAC, then look at the DHCPv4 table and then have the information ready... Unless of course there is a better way.
JP -
With SLAAC, you have 1 address that's consistent and up to 7 privacy addresses, with a new 1 every day. You configure DNS for the consistent address. If your ISP does not provide a consistent prefix, you can use ULA addresses, in addition to GUA, to have a consistent address for DNS.