Xfinity/Comcast Cable Modem - WAN Issue
Hi guys
I have relocated to different place and they offer xfinity internet here
I have a Motorola MB7621 cable modem that works prefectly with my Wireless router BUT i need the internet to pass through Netgate 7100 When I connect the ethernet from motorola to my Netgate 7100 IU WAN port it wont receive an IP address, I tried to change the port speed from auto (common issue when dhcp doesnt work) but still it wont get an IP. link is up and should be working
in motorola modem interface there is nothing you could set, basically it shows status
maybe I need to clone the mac address of motorola modem to netgate?
@blackh0le said in Xfinity/Comcast Cable Modem - WAN Issue:
maybe I need to clone the mac address of motorola modem to netgate
Yes you can try that, or power cycle the Comcast router (or wait a while). In the past I've seen models get into that sort of state where it won't recognize a new router.
In case of problems related to the device - just restart it and try to connect again. You can also forget about the "xfinitywifi" network from your Wi-Fi settings and connect to it again.
I know this topic is old but I am having the similar issue. Motorola modem is set to IP6 only (cannot change it) and my netgate FW 2100 is not getting the IP4. I have rebooted my modem and netgate multiple times and nothing worked.
Is this something I need to call Comcast/Xfinity to fix?
If I bypass the netgate and connect my Linksys router directly with my modem (the old way) I am able to browse. -
@bgrader117 did you reboot the Comcast modem or power it off? (For like 30 seconds, and remove a battery if it has one)
Go to Xfinity Mobile App and Reset your Modem
Press the PIN in Back of your Motorola for 20 SecondsWhat is your Netgate Device ?