To 2.5.2 or not ? that is the question :)
Gathering success and failure feedback for a new point CE 2.5.2 release.
Please add your comment!
Without too much ado and waiting I upgraded, all went ok, I think, still looking around ...
Unbound still has problems after reboot, resolving is not working well and the unbound service has to be restarted manually.
Not a big deal and has been like this since we moved to 2.5.x code-line, but might a headache for somebody new to this.
and this as well
The Great Carnac
The Answer: Be Prepared!
The Question: I thought upgrading would be fun and easy, yet my system is totally H.O.S.E.D (Hardware Or Software Error Detected) and I do not have a copy of the old version or the new version and my last backup was from just before I made major changes. How do I recover my system quickly, my company is losing millions every second?!
My upgrade was uneventful, everything seems to be working fine.
A few more data points. Upgrade from 2.5.1 on an SG-2440 with minimal packages went fine, under five minutes downtime. Clean installs on APU1/APU4/SG-2440 using now default zfs went fine also.
Upgraded this morning from 2.5.1, didn't have any issues.
Upgraded 10 min. ago., no issues, downtime was just over 2 min.
Anyone tested multi WAN yet??
Did one upgrade running on single WAN IP and there was no issues.
Hi! I just did the upgrade on my production unit from 2.4.5 p1. So far everything looks good and multiwan is working! I will watch it like a hawk for the following days and report back if I find something.
@Netgate: I hope that this release will win back the trust we all know and had for 2.4.5 p1. Good stuff and I am looking forward to be able to switch my CE version to Plus version. Thank you!
With my simple setup (one WAN, few basic packages) I did update from 2.4.5 and it went smooth. It took few minutes for everything to start properly after reboot. After that I didn't encounter any problem.