Some packets not getting routed through vpn
Hi All,
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here so wonder if someone can point me in the right direction.
Got a public IP that is being 1:1 natted to a private IP.
The private IP is at the far end of a site to site OpenVPN connection. pfSense on both ends of the S2S.
There are multiple lan interfaces on pfsense2 default route is through the local internet connection.
The lan interface with the relavent 1:1 nat private IP on pfsense2 has an allow any from any to any rule with a gw set as the vpn (which shows the IP of the far end as the gateway)I'm pinging the public address from another site all together and running tcpdump at both pfsense boxes
I see the request come through the WAN interface and the ovpns1 interface on the first pfSense box.
I also see the request arrive on the ovpnc1 interface on the second pfSense box
on the lan interface on the second box I see both the request and the resopnse.So, it seems to me that for some reason the firewall rule that should be routing all traffic on the lan through the VPN is not actually doing what is should.
I can ping from pfsense1 to the destination and from destination back to pfsense1 so I'm happy the vpn is up and running and my routes are all good.
Anyone got any ideas?