Looking to upgrade and looking for hardware HELP!
I'm scoping out this firewall but not too sure if it will work with PFSense vis-versa http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=320374462828
Has anyone used this server to make it run? If so how do you install pFsense onto it?
Any help will be greatly appreciated - T3Knizion
Here are a few options I would try. I have no idea if any of these would work on that particular piece of hardware.
Ask the seller how they did it and repeat.
Temporarily connect an IDE CD-ROM and boot from that.
Connect an external USB attached CD-ROM drive and boot from that.
Install on an IDE drive on another system, remove the drive and put it in the Nexgate and boot.