Is FreeRADIUS a solution for sharing TrueNAS samba to different subnet
Hi everyone.
I am finding a single solution to share my TrueNAS Jail Samba Dataset to my PC and OpenVPN Client.
Here are my current networks
TrueNAS Jails
OpenVPN Server my understanding is correct, Samba use broadcast and only visble in the same subnet.
Thus I have to add PC & OpenVPN to TrueNAS Jails subnet, or find other way.If I add the TrueNAS Jails IP to OpenVPN Server's IPv4 Local network(s), the OpenVPN client is able to connect the Samba Share.
However, my PC cannot connect to the Samba Share in this solution. So I have to find another ways.I know that there are a FreeRADIUS Package which can act as AD Server. I would like to know if this server can be the solution.
Any suggestion are welcome. Thank you.