PPPOE Authentication not working when importing config
pfsense 2.5.1, but we had this issues with older versions too.
Main Applicance is running fine with PPPOE Authentication. When i import this config to another device the PPPOE Authentication / WAN is not working. I once solved this issues by recreating / configuring the interface, but its know happening again every this the config is imported, even on the same device that is working fine.
Is there any step im forgetting , anyone has any experience like this?
How does it fail exactly?
Do you see this in 2.5.2 also?
I had in the past, after i imported the config with a pppoe configuration in it, then i had to re-enter the password of the pppoe connection once again. I thought this is a security feature, for example that the password can not be exported/imported. With this in mind i did not spend more time on it. I don't know if this is an expected behaviour or not.
No, I would not expect that. The PPPoE client password is in the config file.
@stephenw10 ¨
Maybe the string is encrypted with something that is different on a new hardware/installation. -
You should always be able to import an older config. Any changes there would be converted by the import scripts as long the complete config is imported.
Thanks for the replies. I tested this abit with two applicances and the authentication most times fails for several tries (5-10 minutes) and then suddenly works without any changes. Also happens with the newest update 2.5.2.
Log looks like this, until authentication suddenly works again:
Jul 22 10:28:48 ppp 9121 PPPoE: rec'd ACNAME ""
Jul 22 10:28:48 ppp 9121 [wan_link0] PPPoE: Connecting to ''
Jul 22 10:28:48 ppp 9121 [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 24
Jul 22 10:28:45 ppp 9121 [wan_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 24 in 3 seconds
Jul 22 10:28:45 ppp 9121 [wan_link0] LCP: Down event
Jul 22 10:28:45 ppp 9121 [wan_link0] Link: DOWN event
Jul 22 10:28:45 ppp 9121 [wan_link0] PPPoE connection timeout after 9 seconds -
Is there nothing more shown? I expect to see more in the connection attempt. At least something indicating if the server side is refusing the auth attempt or just timing out or responding at all.
It's not uncommon to see several connection attempts required like that though. Especially if it was just disconnected.