My experiences moving from 1.2.3 to 2.0_Alpha
I'm using pfsense since version 0.64 or something like that.
First of all, great job guys. ;) The UI is much sexier then ever before and also much more responsive.
It took about 5 hard disks before I remembered that I better configure the hard disk as LBA in the mobo bios, so I lost some time there, but once changed, the installation went … fast, realy fast.
This is a clean install with pfSense-2.0-ALPHA-ALPHA-20090710-2149.iso
After setting up the lan IP address, fired up firefox, and entered the UI.
First thing I noticed was that the LAN interface shows down, though everything works. Is this a bug? (Same happened for the DMZ network) I should mention that both are VLAN's.Configuring the VLAN's was also a breeze... took me just a few secs.
The traffic and packets RRD graphs show me this error: "There has been an error creating the graphs. Please check you systemlogs for further details."
So what does a man do? Exactly, Status->System Logs.
There i notice this entry:"php: /status_rrd_graph_img.php: Failed to create graph with error code 1, the error is: ERROR: Could not parse color in '9'/usr/bin/nice -n20 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph /tmp/wan-traffic.rrd-16h.png --start -57600 -e -60 --vertical-label "bits/sec" --color SHADEA#eeeeee --color SHADEB#eeeeee --title "
- WAN :: Traffic - 16 hours - 1 minute average" --height 200 --width 620 -x "MINUTE:30:HOUR:1:HOUR:1:0:%H" DEF:wan-in_bytes_pass=/var/db/rrd/wan-traffic.rrd:inpass:AVERAGE DEF:wan-out_bytes_pass=/var/db/rrd/wan-traffic.rrd:outpass:AVERAGE DEF:wan-in_bytes_block=/var/db/rrd/wan-traffic.rrd:inblock:AVERAGE DEF:wan-out_bytes_block=/var/db/rrd/wan-traffic.rrd:outblock:AVERAGE CDEF:"wan-in_bits_pass=wan-in_bytes_pass,8," CDEF:"wan-out_bits_pass=wan-out_bytes_pass,8," CDEF:"wan-in_bits_block=wan-in_bytes_block,8," CDEF:"wan-out_bits_block=wan-out_bytes_block,8," CDEF:"wan-in_bytes=wan-in_bytes_pass,wan-in_bytes_block,+" CDEF:"wan-out_bytes=wan-out_bytes_pass,wan-out_bytes_block,+" CD"
(one of the many entries)Does anyone have any clue how to solve this?
Again, great piece of work you all done there. I really love this version, hope it will leave Aplha status soon.