awfull VPN speed
Hi everybody,
I have an issue I can't manage to reslove since monthes regarding VPN speed.
here is the architectureSERVER A hosted at hetzner location A with pfsense VM on proxmox system
SERVER B hosted at hetzner location B with pfsense VM on proxmox system
SERVER C at customer office with pfsense on netgate 7100 router with fibre connexionbetween A & B ipsec & openvpn tunnel speed is 80mb/s
between C & A ipsec & openvpn tunnel speed is 1,5mb/s
between C & B ipsec & openvpn tunnel speed is 1,5mb/s
openvpn nomads clients to A & B tunnel speed is 1,5mb/sAll the vpn tunnels are configured the exact same way
I have tried the same setup with many diffrent configs, customs ports, hardwares and also with different hosting company, I can't manage to get a decent speed transfer.
Would love to get some suggestions, I am running out of ideas...