Set a description to each MAC
It would be very helpful if we could set a description to each known MAC. I know this can be done by mapping a static entry for DHCP but the problem is the DYNAMIC addresses. It's very tedious to have to manually look up addresses in a text doc on my local machine to know what MAC is what machine. Is there a way to do this that I'm not aware of?
Your dhcp lease table should report the host name reported by the client..
So for example
But if you want your client to just use some IP out of the pool, etc. But you want to be able to see a specific hostname or description. You can set that as reservation for its mac, but just not set what IP to set. It will then just pull from pool, but you will see description for example in your lease table for that mac.
If you add the Nmap package it will show the MAC vendor ID if thats of any help.
As per the above screenshot.