OpenVPN P2P Packet dropped when user download and pump all BW
Hi all,
I notice since some months more and more packet dropping problem. Users at site B connect through a VPN to a RDP server on Site A. When someone download a big file either on site A or B, some packet are dropped. That cause that users on site B got some lag on their RDP session, on their IP Phone and on Microsoft Teams.
No Qos or traffic shapping is setup yet ... but I'm thinking about. I just want to have your expirmented opinion on that please. Whats best to do : Traffic shapping, Limit Max BW download and reserve for traffic in problem, segmentation (IP Phone are on the same network that computers for now) ... all of these answer.
Thanks for your suggestions!
Yeah, I would start out with some basic shaping here using PRIQ. Put RDP and VoIP as high priority and everything else low. Start out as simple as you can, it's easy to end up with something far too complex for traffic shaping.