Reset CARP Demotion status
I have 2 very old pfSense boxes that are on 2.3.4 that i would like to upgrade to 2.5.2. They are in a HA setup so should be fine to do with no downtime.
My issues is I removed the wiring for an interface that we no longer needed and it god unhappy and has a button saying "Reset CARP Demotion Status". I tried deleting the CARP address that it was unhappy about but it ended up deleting it off the primary and it's still present on the secondary server but listed as master for it.
What does "Reset CARP Demotion status" do assuming it resets net.inet.carp.demotion back to zero. IS it safe to do this during work hours or could it cause the CARP to break ?
Any ideas why the deletion of the CARP address didnt replicate when everything seems to be replicating fine ?