HAproxy: how to use backend with specific path+port?
Dear colleagues,
Could you please help me, I know the basics: like how to use different certificates with a single front end and different backends with single front end, but I'm stuck with that task:
back ends:
admin port 7071
webapp port 7443frontend: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:443 (public IP)
redirect to backend "admin: if expression: Path contains admin
redirect to backend "webapp" if expression: host matches mail.mydomain.comSo webapp backend which is email web UI, works fine from outside but not admin backend, when I'm trying to access https://mail.mydomain.com/admin
as it strictly requires to be redirected to to be operational
and I can't figure how to specify path AND port number transparently to a client for a backendI reckon there should be used something like https-request set uri or set path actions in conditions but I can't figure the correct parameters and how to specify it properly- could somebody help me please?
I managed to get redirects working but it redirects to private service address which is obviously not accessible from outside