Multiwan installation (second try)
Hello everyone, back at it again, with the same idea but with a little more knowledge this time (but still probably lacking more anyway).
So last time i did setup a load balancing pfsense box, which worked well .... for the most past, until i saw that it was not fulfilling what i intended it to do becauuuuuuuse, the dumb me didn't understand precisely how load balancing worked.
after alot of reading and digging around, turns out that i do not need load balancing for my use case (game server hosting for friends) but instead i need internet BONDING, which of course is not available as an integrated option on PFsense.
here's my idea, i still want to use pfsense as my main router on my proxmox box , but would like to bond my Dual Wan somehow using a second virtual machine, it being speedify orany other internet bonding solution but here's the hiccup.
i don't know if it's feasable that the Wans go throught Pfsense first (for the dsl to do the PPPOE ) then gets bonded, or should i just let the ISP modem do the PPPOE, then bond the Wans THEN pass that to Pfsense as a single one
i would like to hear your thoughts about this, and if i am overthinking it, feel free to tell me so
Also , my hardware currently is E3-1270 based on an H61 motherboard, load balancing worked fine with simple virtualization, so no need to passthrough the network cards directly to the VM (and can't do that anyway)