Just updated to 2.6.0.a.20211210.0600 all counters are zeroes
Just update to 2.6.0.a.20211210.0600, all rules counter shows 0s:
@psp Same here. Just updated from 20211013 today.
Wait and check tomorrow's snapshot (or maybe one later today). There were still some changes that needed to be made to accommodate a recent FreeBSD code merge from upstream.
Same issue for me however the firewall is still running check identification numbers in the logs.
@jimp I checked the snapshot today still same results. Must be a work in progress. I hate loading them over the weekend because I feel they should have days off.
Updated to 2.6.0.b.20211215.0600. Counters are now properly updated. -
@psp thanks for the information,
It has still not been released in California I will have to check again at 9-10am
I can't wait to take it for a test drive with Xbox live.
It is working the new snap shot loaded today!! Thanks.