Intermittent 100% Packet Loss on WAN
I've got pfsense box running version running 2.5.2 on a somewhat small network that had been working fine for several months. About two weeks ago, it's began experiencing 100% packet loss in exactly 3 minute intervals every few hours or so. During these outages, the WAN interface doesn't actually go "down", the incoming traffic just hits zero. Router is connected directly to an ONT with a static IP. ISP insists it's not their problem. LAN is completely unaffected.
Right before these outages, I get dpinger logs with the following info:
dpinger 82720 WANGW Clear latency 16XXXus stddev 291us loss 25%
The box never goes above 20% in any hardware usage, nor are these outages resetting the uptime timer on the dashboard.
Any thoughts? I can provide additional information if needed, but if I want to get my ISP's assistance if they are the problem, I need a better grasp of what's wrong here.
Do you have a public port on the internet?
What services does your pfsense run?