Help in vpn site-to-site with remote client VPN
hello everyone and best wishes for a happy new year first ...
I am a new user .....
I have configured a site to site vpn with Open-Openvpn and everything works, from network A (server) I reach network B (remote site)
I also configured a RW vpn on the server in order to connect to network A with a client and everything works, I would like to reach network B of the remote office with the same vpn client ...
you can help me ?
You have to add the networks of site B to the "Local networks" in the road warrior server settings to push the respective routes to the clients.Additionally at site B you have to add the tunnel network of the access server to the "Remote networks" to direct response packets back to A.
Further ensure that the access is allowed by firewall rules on all involved interfaces.
thanks for your expertise
it works thanks ........ Wishes for a Happy 2022 ...... we need it ........
As well wishes to you!Wishes for a Happy 2022 ...... we need it ........
Especially healthiness...
hello can you help me for this problem too?
I would like to use these 3G usb modems (huawei -e3531 or E3372h)
I tried but I couldn't ...
many thanks and Happy New Year !! -
No, I'm not experienced with that.
You should better open a new thread in the hardware section to ask for help. -
ok thanks....