Feature request
As I mentioned elsewhere my PfSense machine got borked. In rough summary in the middle of a restart my daughter decided to hit the power button on the machine. She choose a perfect time while it was in the middle of reading the XML file.
For whatever reason the XML config file got corrupted. Hence everytime after that when I tried booting it complained no configuration file could be found. Hence I needed to reinstall. While I was at it instead of loading an old config file I reconfigured everything from scratch (who knows what has changed in the past 6 months so that a new config file may be worth it).
It seems to me however it should be easy to allow there to be a backup config file which a user can every once in a whie update. So for example now that I am up and running stable again I would save the backup config file. If loading I borked the main file again, or I made some stupid change that killed everything I could on boot choose to load that backup file.
Diagnostics, Backup/Restore -> Backup is your friend.
Yes I know that, the point is that the machine wouldn't even boot. I have a nice backup (though I decided not to use it in this case). If the machine had booted I could have within 30 seconds done a restore, but because the XML was completely shot it complained it had no XML file and to please go fly a kite.
If there is no configuration, there is no point in booting up.
That is what I am trying to sugges a solution for. An "online" backup config file that can be used to boot if the first is borked. Basically the same idea as a MB with 2 bios chips. Only it seems to me here it will probably actually work and won't cost anything.
It already does this. If no backup can be found revereted back to it halts.
Embedded systems do not have this behavior but full installations do.
In that case any idea why my system couldn't find a backup to revert to? How can I put a backu in place for it to revert back to?
Boot the system to single user mode (option 4 at the freebsd boot loader menu).
Navigate to /cf/conf/backup and do a ls.
Are there files present?
Currently there sure are. 53 of them to be exact while 53 xml files and 1 backup.conf or something like that.
Looks like I missed a halt statement. I just added the code.
In the meantime, do this.
Boot to single user.
run /etc/rc.conf_mount_rw
cd /cf/conf/backup
Find the most recent file then issue:
mv $mostrecentfile /cf/conf/config.xml
run /etc/rc.conf_mount_ro && shutdown -r now
Replace $mostrecentfile with the filename that you found.
This will get you back up and running.