Monitor IP in rules?
Good afternoon.
There are gateway WAN2 on used definite Monitor IP.
Presumably Due to the low bandwith geteway WAN2 often goes to DOWN.
For ping Monitor ip lacks bandwith.How to get out of this situation for ICMP Monitor IP provide bandwirh on WAN2?
Given that there is no rule for Monitor IP? -
If you are using a gateway group with WAN1 and WAN2 you have to monitor both gateways to give pfSense a basis for a decision to fail-over.There are different parameter which pfSense uses to mark a gateway up or down, at the head are packet loss and latency.
Take a look in the gateway log to see, what causes the WAN2 gateway to be marked as down.If the values are still acceptable for you, you can modify the thresholds to fit your needs in the gateway settings.
Go to System > Routing > Gateways and edit the WAN2 gateway, in the advanced options you can find the crucial values. -