Migrating existing dnsmasq into pfSense
I have a large number of devices in my current dnsmasq.
How do I 'dump' that into pfSense?
Or do I have to add that into the dnsmasq config via the web interface?
You might be able to just add it to the custom config field directly depending how it's formatted.
Or possibly by referencing another file there.
Ideally you would add it to the pfSense config, you might be able to add it to the xml file directly after some adjustment.
But there is no config import tool to do that.
@stephenw10 I've found the entries in the /cf/config.xml. I think I can write up a python script to add the dnsmasq dhcp-host to xml. I'll need to play a bit to make sure I get it correct (and keep a backup, of course).
I've created a script to convert the dnsmasq.conf dhcp-host to XML to insert into the config file. I then read it in with vi. It's mostly manual. I also told the dns to include the static dhcp entries. I can now resolve the local names and I hope the DHCP works. I won't know for a few hours.