Newbie question on DHCP/DNS
I'm new to pfSense and in the midst of testing it out. I seem to have a small DHCP/DNS issue;
My DHCP clients don't get any DNS... I have configured the DNS Resolver, but still I need to manually add DNS to clients for name resolution to work. As I have read on the DHCP Server page, it should not have to be explicitly configured there, right? "Leave blank to use system DNS ... It is configured under System/General setup. So why isn't DHCP configuring this for the clients?
@furom said in Newbie question on DHCP/DNS:
but still I need to manually add DNS to clients for name resolution to work
What are you adding to the client?... Out of the box dhcp server will point client to pfsense IP on the interface dhcp is running on..
What does your client show? What are you changing it too, what are you trying to resolve that is not?
@johnpoz This is strange.. When trying it again just now the client suddenly shows the dhcp servers ip as expected, and seems to work as well... Perhaps just a hickup, but was pretty persistant for a while... So sorry...