SG-1600 "Switches" Missing from Interface Menu, LAN Ports 2,3,4 are dead
Thank you for allowing me into this forum.New SG-1600 user, and new to PFSense.
I'm at the point, during installation, where I need to
activate LAN ports 2,3,4; only the first port works, as
it should, under the Interfaces, LAN menu.Lan ports 2,3,4 are dead or inert, or just inactive.
Websites have it that I must build a VLAN and
then use Interface menu, Switches. The Reddit
website says I must not create vlans, and instead,
"just break the bridge on ports 2,3,4 and assign
them physical interfaces." The author does not
describe HOW to do this.There is no "switches" menu pick.
The SG-1600 manual does not contain the word
Switches, and, unless it's well hidden, provides
no way to activate those Lan ports. The PFSense
manual does contain references to switches.Any info on where to find or enable the elusive "switches"
menu pick or just how to activate ports 2,3,4,
will be most highly appreciated.Cheers,
Jack -
@diver-0 SG-1600?? I don’t believe there ever was a device named that.
If it’s a typo and you meant SG-6100, then there is a reason. That device does not contain a built in switch. Interfaces LAN 1 - 4 are all discrete NICs in their own right. -
Indeed there is no switch in the 6100 all it's interfaces are discrete NICs.
The additional LAN interfaces should already be assigned so just enable them and assign a static IP/subnet. Then enable dhcp on the interface if you need it and add firewall rules to pass traffic as required.