Cronjob for snort?
Is there a way to create a cronjob that can start and stop snort at a given time?
I have been able to do this under command line scripting but the service tab shows the snort service as not running. I want to be able to see when the snort service is running and when it stop.Thank You!
Bump… Any body?
Thank You!
WoW nobody?
You have two choices use Cron or a package I created that runs PHP as a service the package is called PHPService allowing you to run any php code as a service. Or there is also a there is a cron wrapper package to make cron easier to use.
Snort startup script should be found in the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ directory most likely called you should be able to use that to start and stop snort. You could then use PHP to determine the time to start/stop or use the Cron package to do the same.
mcrane Thanks!
mcrane, seems to not start the service… I run and it dies right after 1min or so....
Any ideas?
Try it this way.
To start snort:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ startTo stop snort:
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop -
Thats how I have it but it fails to start snort.