Package updates don't restart services
Is this expected behavior that when updating packages they don't restart the service?
I've had a few pfblockerNG and now haproxy today that required me each and every time to restart the services after the upgrade. Shouldn't this be part of the upgrade process?
This is left up to the individual packages. Packages can use a pre-uninstall and/or a post-install hook to do things during package installation. What happens is up to the package creator/maintainer. The "hook" is simply a PHP function in your package code that you register with pfSense in the package manifest file.
I maintain the Snort and Suricata IDS/IPS packages, and I use both of those hooks to stop the service when removing/updating and then restart it when finished with the update or install.
Lately pfblockerng stops unbound on update and never restart it, which is even more annoying if one doesn't notice.
(usualy being alerted by panic "no internet" calls.)
Yep, for the last year, or more, this is what I see also, and, this is known on the forum, as it is mentioned several times.
The author posted about it, see here.More recent, pfBlockerNG needs a full reload - the yellow icon on the dashboard, pfBlocker Widget, tells us to do so, after upgrading,
This will take care of an unbound start also.
I know, this is not a solution, unbound, the DNS of your entire network, shouldn't be left in a stopped state after upgrading.
Some responsibility of the admin is now engaged ;)Btw : it's easy to patch the installer helper instruction script of pfBlockerNG-devel so it (re)starts unbound after upgrading. The thing is, this file is part of the package and will get overwritten with the new package when upgrading. Only BB can solve the issue.
Also, I don't have the impression the unbound is in the defunct state (the process is still in memory but doesn't react any more). It's just stopped.
If I remember ;) I have a look at the state when the next version comes out. -
Thanks all for the explanation!