Issues configuring DNS
I have a question. I have a expressVPN router in front of the pfSense firewall. The VPN is set at and DHCP for the firewall. The firewall is set at and then I have a DHCP router behind that firewall. I have been trying all night to get this working, I seem to be missing something here. Can anybody please give me a step by step configure for the firewall to get the DNS from the expressVPN router please?
@rupocinski said in Issues configuring DNS:
I have a expressVPN router in front of the pfSense firewall. The VPN is set at and DHCP for the firewall. The firewall is set at and then I have a DHCP router behind that firewall.
You have a router ( expressVPN ) and then a router ( pfSense ) and then a router ( DHCP router behind that firewall ) chained up ?
You could make live much more simpler.
pfSense can connect to Expr*ssVPN as it has a OpenVPN client. I know it works, as I have it working.
A DHCP router behind pfSense isn't needed as pfSense can handle DHCP just fine.
So, why not : get rid of a maximumum of boxes and have settings centralized in one.
Or, another option, remove pfSense from the chain.