Routing between houses
Previous situation:
I have an OpenVPN connection between 2 houses to allow connectivity. Both have an Internet connection and a Private LAN generated by a pfsense on both sides.New current situation:
I have replaced the OpenVPN with 2 Ubiquity Gigabeam Plus that are connected together to allow higher bandwith no more ISP data limitation (over OpenVPN tunnel).The problem: I am able to connect from Site A to the remote pfense interface (from 192.168.10.x to but not to the internal lan of site B ( and vica versa.
I have created a gateway and a static route from both sides and firewall rules (any/any are created) also on both sides. What am I forgetting here? Please advise.
I don't know the Ubiquity Gigabeam Plus, but I assume, it's a bridge, hence both pfSense have an interface within the same L2.If so you have to set the gateway at A to And accordingly at B
Wow that I didn't see coming... what a good and quick fix! Thanks! It is solved.