Clarification of DHCP and Static IPs?
I have a device that I'd like it to always have the same IP address. Currently, I'm not certain if I can set a static IP address in the device. I understand that DHCP IP "reservations" aren't guaranteed, but are only a preference. If the device is turned off, it could lose that specific IP. There is an option to specify an IP address outside of the DHCP pool, however.
My DHCP pool is currently set for .101-.200. Does this mean that if I specify an IP address for the device of .210 in pfSense, that the DHCP server will actually assign that device .210, using it's MAC address? I've not encountered this type of behavior before, where a specific IP outside of the DHCP range can still be assigned automatically. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding how this works? Thanks!
If you want a "static" address via DHCP, you make a static mapping of the MAC to the desired IP address. This is done at the bottom of the DHCP server page. Any static mapped addresses must be outside of the DHCP pool.
Thanks for that clarification. I thought that might be the case, but simply wasn't sure that pfSense would actually assign that static IP to the device.
I noticed that you're using a Qotom mini PC for pfSense. I have "built" two of those myself. They seem to work great. Much smaller and nicer to use than my previously repurposed full tower machine. :)
Yes, I am quite happy with the Qotom. I had previously used a HP compact desktop computer, but it died.