Traffic shapper versus openVPN tunnel lags
The network at my main office have more than 40 users locally and 30-40 users connected through different OpenVPN tunnels. My Internect connection is on fiber at 250Mbps.
Everything works fine until someone download a big file on a server with big BW. I remarked that last months and I've done the test. I monitor a specific tunnel by pinging a PC at the other end of the tunnel from my main office. during this time, I start a big download that eat all BW (download speed at 250Mbps) and I remark some ping timed out during this time.
My solution is to limit the download speed or reserve some BW for OpenVPN tunnels?!?! My first goal is to resolve that .... but in futur, I'd like to implement QoS to priorize Ms Teams traffic, VoIP, etc ... just to keep in mind but that's not important for now!
I'm new at traffic shaping and need your advice before starting to implement traffic shaper ... what is the best in my case?