My IPSEC service hangs
Hi, we are at same point. We cannot use a system that requires IPSEC as main feature, and have it not stable.Which platform did you choose?
@gassyantelope I've been having this issue as well and have been following this forum post and the post in the redmine. Clearly nothing is being done so I decided to take it into my own hands and wrote a script that I run every minute with a cron job. I feel like it's pretty straight forward but I'm looking for the length of the charon.vici queue and storing it into queueLength. The if queueLength is greater than 0, I kill the charon processes and restart ipsec twice. I've done a few different iterations of the script but this one seems to work perfectly. Hope this helps!
#!/bin/sh queueLength=$(netstat -Lan | grep charon.vici | cut -c 7) if [ $((queueLength)) -gt 0 ]; then /usr/bin/killall -9 charon /usr/local/sbin/pfSsh.php playback restartipsec; sleep 10; /usr/local/sbin/pfSsh.php playback restartipsec else fi
@david11717 Hi sorry for not reply ing sooner since i upgraded fto 2.7 iv not had any issues since my ipsec has been holding strong
@auroramus Interesting. I'm on the newest 2.7 dev and I'm still having the issue.
@david11717 Upgrading to 2.7 didn't fix my issue either. Thank you so much for the script.
Before the holiday weekend I greatly increased the log size (since I have hundreds of free gbs on that device) before swapping, Disabled Ipsec logging entirely, and disabled split connections on one of my bigger tunnels. One of these three changes seems to have kept it from happening over the weekend. I have a feeling it's being triggered by log swapping.
@david11717 I don’t know if this applies to you, but I have discovered an IPSec issue today when deploying a bunch of SG-2100 boxes (ARM64 CPU boxes).
If I use AES-CGM for encryption (both 128 and 256bit) as guided by Netgate, the boxes will stall/become unresponsive after a while if there is more than one Phase2 tunnels active in the Tunnel. Boxes with only one Phase2 tunnel does not seem to suffer the issue.Disabling SafeXcel (HW Acceleration) does not mitigate the Issue.
But changing the cipher on the tunnel to AES256 (not CGM - I believe it is really AES256-CBC) resolves the issue.I have a lot of testing to do still, but it’s quite evident the change of cipher resolves the issue.
@keyser 99% of my IPSec VPNs use AES256. I have one that uses AES256-GCM and I changed it to AES256 in the testing process (a month or two ago). The issue persisted. That being said, the devices I'm using are x86_64 and not ARM based.
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@slimjim2321 said in My IPSEC service hangs:
@david11717 Upgrading to 2.7 didn't fix my issue either. Thank you so much for the script.
Before the holiday weekend I greatly increased the log size (since I have hundreds of free gbs on that device) before swapping, Disabled Ipsec logging entirely, and disabled split connections on one of my bigger tunnels. One of these three changes seems to have kept it from happening over the weekend. I have a feeling it's being triggered by log swapping.
Did any of these steps completely resolve your problem since then? My script is still working great but I'd love to fix the issue passively than to have a CRON job running every minute.
Hi all
We have been getting similar to this... have around 25 IPsec site to site VPNs and they have been very unstable. Sometimes VPNs function for weeks, then they all drop and we cannot log into management UI and need a reboot to fix.... sometimes they drop twice in one day.
Been working with TAC enterprise support on this...
We applied a ipsec kernal hotfix but still died...
Currently trying a few things to fix -
Increased IPsec log file size to 1MB
Put in a 6hr cron job to remove IPsec log file archives
Disabled VPNs that not currently finished so they not spamming logs
Removed IPsec widget from dashboardNow just waiting to see if we have any stability... if stable it could be down to any one of these changes. Touch wood
new changes on top of those I made before...
reduced all the 'chatter' clogging up ipsec logs, also makes then much more readable for diags puposes.
vpn / ipsec / adv settings / ipsec logging
ike sa - diag > audit
ike child sa - diag > audit
networking - control > audit
message encoding - control > audit
@david11717 Since my last post 18days ago I haven't experienced the issue. I'm unsure which of the fixes I put in place actually solved it for me though. I have since then reenabled the "rc.peroidic daily" cron jobs that are in pfsense by default and it hasn't returned so that's not it. So my issue was either solved by completely disabling ipsec logging (which isn't ideal) along with greatly increasing the log rotation size (I have it set to 100mb, default is 500kb)....Or Disabling Split Connections for my largest tunnel. I still have split connections enabled for all of my other tunnels and I don't think this was the cause either.
For me my best guess is that it was being triggered when the logs rotated and simply drastically removing the majority of where my logs came from (Ipsec) helped slow it down. If I'm right eventually it'll happen again in a few months time given the slow rate the logs fill up now. -
@slimjim2321 I guess I'll try each of those separately for a few days and see how it goes. Thanks for the update!
Just a update since changes I made we now been up for 7days... too early to say yet for sure, but things looking good
@flukester I made the same changes you detailed above and the issue still happens for me. At this point I've stopped playing with it and my cron job fixes the issue within about 60 seconds of it happening. It's kind of ridiculous, honestly.
I have the same problem with the firewall, so I purchased the Enterprise support. They pointed me to the link and said to follow what is there... without any explanation... Working with Palo Alto and Cisco daily I was quite stunned to get typical online forum response.
I guess you got what you pay for, but If anyone is considering buying the subscription I DO NOT recommend.Right now I am running on the above script except the service restarts don't fix IPSec, so I replaced it with system reboot. I am using it for IPSec only so when it goes down I already have outage.
@romczak Yeah, it's been pretty concerning how this whole situation has been handled. It's one thing if there's problems when using pfSense community edition, since that's always been free and open source and you can't expect everything to be fixed ASAP. It's another thing when Netgate sells devices, support, their paid edition of pfSense, and market them as being stable and robust, yet they can't even do IPsec reliably.
I'd expect such common/core functionality to work properly when buying their devices and/or their "enterprise" pfSense edition. We're now going on 8+ months since the issue was submitted on Redmine, but there were other similar issues submitted over a year or two ago. It's a really bad look for them to take people's money for a product that lacks reliable IPsec functionality, something that I've never seen any other firewall software/company struggle with. It's just as bad that you can pay for support, but they don't seem to do much more than point you to the public issue tracker (Redmine, which is free for everyone) or the community forum.
The good thing is that the issue on Redmine is finally getting some responses from some developers. Hopefully that means we'll have a real fix soon. Though, it still makes me worry about how future problems may be handled. If there's another issue with core functionality in the future, is it going to be another 8+ month wait to get that fixed as well?
I'm leaving pfSense, this is the only solution. The product (considering it from all points of views) simply is now too bad to count on it for production environments and real life.
I feel your frustration. I will say this. Ive had network-breaking bugs in high-profile vendors on products that do simple tasks - i.e. Switching or Firewalling.
If you are in the Palo Alto space then i will tell you the 10.X release has been troublesome and that's putting it lightly. In the end, after 5 months we got a specially developed hotfix. Juniper supports switch stacking (VC) and its fun when multicast stops working in a crucial deployment. To this day my S1 ticket still has no solution from the development team. This is a pretty important function - switching - that apparently is not being taken seriously enough even though their internal PRs have numerous customers impacted.Just trying to illustrate that having all of these prodcuts from high profile vendors, eac have issues but at least with Netgate i would argue that the Pros outweigh the Cons.
@michmoor also Fortinet asks for a lot of money and has a lot of bugs (7.2.x version is and hell) and a bad support service.
Still I think that so many months without a basic function as IPSEC working is not acceptable. This is not some secondary feature.