pfSense 2.6.0 installed but FreeBSD still on 12.2 and RELENG_2_5_0..?
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 63012384 Jan 31 21:07 /boot/kernel/kernel
Huh. Presumably then it still has the 2.5.2 kernel in /boot/kernel.old and is somehow still booting it?
You have any custom loader lines that might do that?
@stephenw10 I wouldn't know why or where to set that
How can I see my custom loader lines?
Check /boot/loader.conf and /boot/loader.conf.local (if it exists).
Btw I don't know if my
is 2.5.2:[2.6.0-RELEASE][]/boot: ls -al /boot/kernel*/kernel -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 63012384 Jan 31 21:07 /boot/kernel.old/kernel -r-xr-xr-x 1 root wheel 63012384 Jan 31 21:07 /boot/kernel/kernel
[2.6.0-RELEASE][]/boot: cat /boot/loader.conf* autoboot_delay="3""0""1""128" cat: /boot/loader.conf.d: Is a directory
Thanks for your help btw so far!!
Hmm, that is very odd. I don't think I've ever seen that before and I'm not sure how it could happen.
The fastest way fast it is almost certainly to reinstall and restore though unfortunately. Unless that's not something you can do.Steve
What do you see from?
[2.6.0-RELEASE][admin@t70.stevew.lan]/root: freebsd-version -kur 12.3-STABLE 12.3-STABLE 12.3-STABLE
[2.6.0-RELEASE][]/boot: freebsd-version -kur 12.3-STABLE 12.2-STABLE 12.3-STABLE
This post is deleted! -
@stephenw10 Hi! I don't want to bother you too much but do you maybe have another idea what to do here? Or is the reinstall really the only option?
Reinstall is what I would do unless there's some reason you can't, like it's remote with no out of band access.
The only other thing you might try is the forced full reinstall of all packages:
@stephenw10 Okay, I can't say I'm happy with that answer but I understand it haha. Thanks!
Manually forcing reinstall of pfSense-kernel-pfSense-2.6.0.pkg should get you onto the correct kernel after a reboot. But the kernel file you have already looks correct.
Once you do that can you ever be 100% confident of the install?
If reinstalling is very inconvenient then it's probably worth trying first but reinstalling and restoring a config is usually quick and easy.