Multi-wan dyndns error
I have two wan interfaces.
WAN -> vr0
WAN2 -> vr1I tried to set up two dyndns updates and only WAN is being updated and pfsense does not find the ip address for WAN2.
Below are debug logs:
alix-pfsense:/var/etc# more dyndns_opt1dyndns.debug
08-10-09 08:31:46 - (6655684) - [dyndns] - /1249898519\n
08-10-09 10:35:24 - (9171339) - [dyndns] - /1249898519\n
08-10-09 10:47:55 - (4171148) - [dyndns] - /1249898519\n -
Wow… Still no apparent progress on this, and they've even locked my original thread, reflecting the same / similar issue:,13126.0.html
Patience, patience, please.
No worries, Sullrich… I understand that I'm running not just Alpha, but ALPHA-ALPHA software, and do expect breakage and disaster. Honestly, for the most part, it has been quite stable.
I don't mean to rush, or be impatient. Just don't want to see this issue fall thru the cracks, what with old threads being locked, and as a result, being buried under all the other threads.
I really wish I knew more about coding in today's world (I'm an old hand at Basic / QBasic, as if that's useful anymore...).
I fixed this by editing /etc/inc/dyndns.class, last function,
function _checkIP() { log_error("DynDns: _checkIP() starting."); $hosttocheck = ""; $checkip = gethostbyname($hosttocheck); //if ($hosttocheck == $checkip) { $ip_address = find_interface_ip($this->_if); log_error("DynDns debug information: {$ip_address} extracted from local system."); //} else { // $ip_ch = curl_init("http://{$checkip}"); // curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // curl_setopt($ip_ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, $this->_if); // $ip_result_page = curl_exec($ip_ch); // curl_close($ip_ch); // $ip_result_decoded = urldecode($ip_result_page); // preg_match('=Current IP Address: (.*)=siU', $ip_result_decoded, $matches); // $ip_address = trim($matches[1]); // log_error("DynDns debug information: {$ip_address} extracted from {$hosttocheck}"); //} return $ip_address; }
Basically I forced the system to not look up the IP using the web and taking it from the interface directly. It cured the 3min hang and got my ip successfully.
Nice find!!
I implemented this fix, and on first reboot, all's well with dual dynamic IP's. I've been waiting for months, for this fix, even if it is a work-around.
I had no idea that it was set up to use the if=web configuration. Of course, even if I had, I'd not have known the first thing about where to look… I've always used the interface, on my own gear, unless trapped behind NAT...
Thanx again!
After an upgrade / reload or 2, this fix resulting overwritten, and what with a different fix alleged to be in place in new snapshots, it seems at least the hangs are fixed.
However, dns-o-matic err's out on EVERY host, at this point. Not sure yet how this new problem is caused, or where it stems from…
There seems to be an update about one or two weeks ago which broke my dyndns in this way that I have to go to Services - dyndns and have to save my settings without changing them. After this saving my dyndns-adress is actualized. The update-dyndns which is present in cron never detects a new IP-adress. I put the error on redmine.