Php error on upgrade to 22.05
PfSense Plus 2100
After upgrading to 22.05 this error occurs:
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/local/lib/php/20190902/ (Shared object "" not found, required by ""), /usr/local/lib/php/20190902/ (/usr/local/lib/php/20190902/ invalid file format)) in Unknown on line 0
Not sure if it is a file that has been mis-named or something else? But I don't see any similar references on the forum.
How do I fix this?
@gk-151 Open a ticket with the address in my signature, request the current firmware, reinstall the firmware, restore from a backup config, carry on.
What were you running before? ZeroMQ was removed in 22.01 and hadn't been used in years.
Most likely that is a non-issue.
If you clear the PHP error and reboot, does it come back? If so, some part of your upgrade may not have fully completed.
If it does not come back, it may have been a temporary error during upgrade which is normal. In most cases the upgrade process clears those at the end but occasionally some still show in certain edge cases.
That worked.
A full reload of the firmware was required to clear the problem.Thanks