Routing issues that started after upgrading to 2.6.0, in addition uptime is now blank for my WAN uptime - mostly solved now
So to try and give background on my configuration.
ISP IPv4 connection is PPPoE configured as WAN interface.
IPv6 Configuration Type is set to DHCP6
"Use IPv4 connectivity as parent interface" is ticked.
Nothing else is configured in dhcp6 client configuration (been honest I am not sure this was the case before, so have concerns the settings transferred across correctly).On LAN I have a routable IPv6 address statically configured with no upstream gateway.
IPv6 is actually working on LAN and internet.
In the routing section I have WAN_DHCP for IPv4 enabled, and the correct default gateway configured.
However there was no IPv6 gateway configured post upgrade, so I selected my v6 gateway, and clicked save, however the system log then says this (IPv6 is working as said before)."/system_gateways.php: route_add_or_change: Invalid gateway dynamic and/or network interface"
There is also multiple pfblockerng lines of.
"/usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php: Gateway, switch to: " yes is blank gateway.and
"/system_gateways.php: Gateway, switch to: " also blank
The default IPv6 gateway group which I wasnt using but did leave configured as a group had only the IPv6 VPN gateway enabled but the normal ISP gateway disabled so I enabled it again.
This then immediately triggered a gateway switch in the log showing my ISP gateway. Interesting as the default gateway for IPv6 is not set to the gateway group.
"/system_gateways.php: Gateway, switch to: WANGWv6"
but also a blank gateway line below it.However this still also appeared.
"/system_gateways.php: route_add_or_change: Invalid gateway dynamic and/or network interface"
This hinted me as to whats going on so I then went back to routing and forcefully changed the IPv4 to WAN-DHCP from the default gateway group and the blank gateway switch line disappeared. Whilst here I then noticed, the gateway configured for WAN_DHCP is labelled "dynamic".
I go back to the system log and read again.
"/system_gateways.php: route_add_or_change: Invalid gateway dynamic and/or network interface "
So 2.6.0 suddenly has an issue with a basic DHCP PPPoE configuration.
So I went back to the release notes for 2.6.0, but couldnt see anything standing out that would cause these routing error messages and the missing uptime. The WAN uptime is also missing on the status interfaces screen.
@chrcoluk Ok I already have an update on two of the issues.
I found this post on reddit.
It is correct in my case the /tmp/pppoe0up file was missing, so I manually cycled WAN from the interfaces screen and it appeared alongside with the uptime, as to why the file was missing dont know but its working now which is the main thing.
Another file also appeared which was previously missing which is the /tmp/pppoe0_ip file and I have observed now that using a gateway group for IPv4 no longer shows up the line with a blank gateway.
So the only issue left which is relatively minor is the ""/system_gateways.php: route_add_or_change: Invalid gateway dynamic and/or network interface" problem. The gateway IP been called dynamic is greyed out and automatically configured by pfSense itself.