not able to connect site to site vpn between fortigate and pfsense
i cross check configuration more than three times everything is right but dont know where am i doing mistake
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My first thought would be something different in the encryption settings between the two sides. Maybe others could recognize it just from the log, but I'd need to see the settings on both sides to suggest anything beyond that. If you still need help, post the settings please.
@thale sure here it is
@farhan07 Sorry it took so long to reply. Nothing stands out to me, but most of the details that would need checked are marked out. That's fine, but it just means you'll have to do the checking. :)
It sounds like a different in PSK. Are you sure you don't have an extra space at the beginning or end for one side? Have you tried a different string for the PSK? See this thread.
@thale pre shared key is ok i check cross many times
@farhan07 Sorry, I'm not sure what to tell you. When I hit an issue like that, I usually either start changing values to see if I can get it to work using less preferred settings, or I start re-entering all the information even if it's been checked in case it resets something, or I blow it away and start it over from scratch. Or a combination of these 3. I know that's not much help, but I don't know much more to say based on what is shown.
@thale Thanks for giving me time really appreciate ur effort