OpenVPN Site to Site
I have got it working. I am able to pxe boot from to a server on the remote network. However the tftp is super slow. How can I speed that up?
How slow? What's the latency to the server?
What bandwidth do you see across the tunnel for other protocols?
TFTP is a basic protocol, there's not much you do there.
@stephenw10 I am not sure exactly where to look for that information. The server on my remote side runs a custom linux operating system and has a dhcp, pxe and tftp server.
Here is my setup:
Client Computer -> VLAN Switch -> Local Pfsense Firewall -----> OPENVPN TAP ------> Remote Pfsense Firewall -> Remote Lan with server -
When you say it's 'super slow' what are you actually seeing?
If you ping the server across the tunnel what are the ping times?