Wireguard.com SSL problem.
I cannot seem to access wireguard.com website. It says it is insecure. After a couple of days googling I have come here. Apologies if this isn't the right forum but as I cannot seem to access anything with wireguard.com I don't know where else to go :-(.
I have tried clearing cache, cookies etc..
I have installed both Edge and Firefox and they both report the same problem and block my access. I am not having this problem with any other site!!!
TIA for anyone who can help
@drpetervc what would this have to do with pfsense? or the wireguard package in pfsense?
@drpetervc said in Wireguard.com SSL problem.:
It says it is insecure
Access it just fine with firefox here, and and edge.. They are using a Lets Encrypt cert..
Are you trying to do mitm with squid?
Thanks for your reply, you are right I shouldn't really be here - but it came up when googling wireguard problems and isn't blocked! And after 3 days I was pulling my hair out
Your reply got me thinking - so I tried accessing the site on my phone using mobile data and it worked fine! So the problem may be something to do with my ISP (VirginMedia in the UK), perhaps they have inadvertently blocked it for some reason.
I guess it could be a problem with my router - though the only change I have made to it is port forward the wireguard UDP port and I don't see how that could cause this issue.
Thanks again for your reply - sorry for the intrusion here.
@drpetervc what does your browser show you for the cert? Why is it saying its insecure?
Click into more info or whatever in your browser so you can see what cert is being presented and info to "why" your browser is saying its not secure..
Hi I am struggling to find extra information. I think it may be an ISP issue - I have checked the DNS resolution is correct and it gives the same number on my mobile data as on WiFi.
Here is the screen:
@drpetervc did you click the details?
What I can tell you is working here. just fine..
Try the direct link
Going to wireguard.com would try and redirect you, but this is not pfsense doing anything - unless you are running IPS? Or trying to do proxy with mitm change out of the ssl cert pfsense has zero to do with your connection.. And you say other sites work..
Thanks - but that gave the same error. I think the root of my problem is that VirginMedia hate VPNs!
I think I will try accessing the site sometime when on another isp!
Thanks again - must go battery very low.