The CPU in the 8200 is a lot more powerful so you see the widget usage in the 1100 far more. That is especially so because the refresh rate can start to hit the time taken to pull the data.
Did you try the patch linked above to revert to the previous widget behaviour?
Just tested it with /31 and it works. For route-based IPsec the gateway is created automatically when you assign the tunnel to an interface. I haven't tried with /32 tho. But I tried with larger subnet like /24. I guess it's like what you said, as long as they are on the same subnet it will work. Just that for point-to-point connection with a single transit network it doesn't make sense to use something larger that contains more than 2 IPs.
@Ratfink Connecting two sites with Wireguard VPN is absolutely doable, and you don't even need fixed IP's for it to work.
When you say you have 5 fixed IP's from your ISP, I'm kind of assuming you have your office at your house? Meaning they are both connected to the same fibre? Otherwise, if they are at very different locations, is it still the same ISP?
In terms of getting the IP's on the respective pfsense machines, I assume you know how or have instructions from the ISP to do this. Might be MAC based if DHCP for example...
Anyway, running pfsense on repurposed HW is very common and can be done "barebone" or virtualized. So you shouldn't have any problems getting to to work on your rack servers, hopefully.
So step one is of course getting both machines up and running. And since they will be for different sites and connected via VPN you must make sure to use different LAN subnets on them. Like on one and on the other.
Once you have them up and running you can follow a guide like one of these to set up wireguard.
Even though you have fixed IP's it might be a good idea to get two domains, unless you already have that.
If you want to go over WAN anyway, assign an interface to the wg instance and enable it at site 2. This brings up a new firewall rule tab for it then.
Now go to the "Wireguard" tab, edit the existing rules and change the interface to the new one.
I'm not sure what you mean by your last sentence but, I've done the rest.
You mean, changing the interface in the filter rule?
In Firewall > Rules you will see a tab called "Wireguard". pfSense might have created a rule on this tab automatically, when you set up the Wireguard tunnel.
So go to this tab and edit the existing rule and change the interface from "Wireguard" to the interface, which you have assigned to the Wireguard instance before.
Then the rule disappears from the Wireguard tab and appear on the new interface tab.
Also in the WG settings on router 2 you have to change the "allowed IPs" to to accept public forwarded traffic.
The problem was an any/any rule in the Wireguard unasigned tunnel firewall rule list. Even though the AirVPN WG interface was assigned, group rules are evaluated first...
Hope this helps someone else as well.
@FoolCoconut THANK you. ive been trying to figure this out for a very long time.
Couldn't get dante to work until I found this. For those of you sportsfans keeping score at home, this is still valid/needed for pfSense version 2.7.2-CE and dante-1.4.3_2 circa 2/2025.
Yup, those devices are probably not trying to resolve .local addresses using DNS servers at all. They assume they are mDNS and try to find them locally.
I realise something as I write this: are there 'two levels' involved here? The wireguard rule will let everyone through the firewall on the specified port, but having passed the firewall block then the wireguard service will still refuse everyone that does not have the configured keys?
Yes. Hard to believe that this is news to you, you are setting up a graylog server, which is advanced stuff in my book.
Let's call it a blind spot. :-) I don't work with networks, it's just a hobby. And until this Wireguard 'project' I always had pfsense blocking everything from the outside.
And yes, I did struggle a bit setting up graylog, but it was fun.
first, try openvpn because that is well established and wire guard is new. the ProtonVPN service website should have setup instructions and OpenVPN config files that you can use.