Intel E823-C 25/10GbE NIC Support?
Hey folks. Just deployed a new SuperMicro SYS-110D-20C-FRAN8TP with Intel's newer E823-C 2x25GbE NIC and found that pfsense does not have a new enough version of the Intel ice.4 driver to support it. FreeBSD supports it in version 13.1-Release.
Is this something that could be backported to PFsense in it's current version? Or would be need to wait for pfsense to jump to FreeBSD 13.1?
Current Pfsense FreeBSD source:
Current FreeBSD main branch source:
Probably possible to backport it but that's very unlikely to happen at this point. It would remove development resources from the work to rebase which is currently underway.
Watch this space.