Enabling State Killing on Gateway Failure Causes Pfsense not to boot
Hi I have a dual wan setup with Fibre as main connection and LTE (4g) as backup.
As such I want to make sure that when WAN (fibre) comes back all LTE (4g) traffic stops.
My problem is when I enable the option Flush all states when a gateway goes down I cannot reboot pfsense. When I do reboot it, it "panics" after trying to load WAN and floods the screen with text and reboots.
I am not skilled enough to fix it so my only option is to reinstall PFsense and load my backup during the install.
I use to be on 2.5.2 but after having to reinstall I had to download the latest version 2.6.0, unfortunately it does the same thing on both versions.
Surely this cannot be normal?
crash reports attached
I have even tried replacing hardware such as Hdds to 2 brand new SSD WD RED in Zfs "raid 1" and replaced Ram. Same thing happens when enabling the option........