Shape Download Traffic Without Significantly Cutting Bandwidth
I have a fairly simple shaper setup with HFSC queues to limit the download speed of my network traffic. What I've found, though, is that I have to set the upper limit service curve significantly below my internet capacity before the link bandwidth drops below saturation during large downloads. Once I do this, the traffic going out of the LAN interface will be at whatever bandwidth I specify for m2 on the upper limit curve of the queue, but the traffic coming in on the WAN interface will be just below saturation. This keeps the link from being saturated, but makes it so only 60% or so of the internet speed I'm paying for is usable. If I increase the service curve bandwidth, the actual WAN usage will rise back up above link saturation.
Obviously it's because packets are coming across the internet link and then being dropped by the traffic shaper, so they have to be sent multiple times from the server and hence more bandwidth usage on the WAN interface. But is there a way to decrease this effect and prevent link saturation while still allowing nearly the full capacity of my internet link to be used?
I have a symmetrical 20/20 link and I'm using Adobe Creative Cloud updates as a large download test. And I have confirmed that the traffic is going into the right queue.