IP Sec not starting on connection
I cant seem to get 1 of my 2 vpn tunnels up and running no matter what i do, it looks like its not even trying to start it.
I have tried running this tunnel by itself and it it also didn't work. From what i can tell and see, its never trying to connect to the remote ip at all and i am at a loss of what to even try
the odd part is i got it to go up once, but I have no idea what i did…
anyway here is the config file, let me know i you can even thing of anything.
path pre_shared_key "/var/etc/psk.txt"; path certificate "/var/etc"; listen { adminsock "/var/run/racoon.sock" "root" "wheel" 0660; isakmp 76.11.xxx.xxx [500]; isakmp_natt 76.11.xxx.xxx [4500]; } remote 24.36.xxx.xxx { ph1id 2; exchange_mode main; my_identifier address 76.11.xxx.xxx; peers_identifier address 24.36.xxx.xxx; ike_frag on; generate_policy = off; initial_contact = on; nat_traversal = off; dpd_delay = 10; dpd_maxfail = 5; support_proxy on; proposal_check claim; proposal { authentication_method pre_shared_key; encryption_algorithm aes 256; hash_algorithm sha1; dh_group 5; lifetime time 28800 secs; } } remote 204.174.xxx.xxx { ph1id 1; exchange_mode main; my_identifier address 76.11.xxx.xxx; peers_identifier address 204.174.xxx.xxx; ike_frag on; generate_policy = off; initial_contact = on; nat_traversal = on; dpd_delay = 10; dpd_maxfail = 5; support_proxy on; proposal_check claim; proposal { authentication_method pre_shared_key; encryption_algorithm aes 256; hash_algorithm sha1; dh_group 5; lifetime time 28800 secs; } } sainfo address 76.11.xxx.xxx any address 24.36.xxx.xxx any { remoteid 2; encryption_algorithm aes 128; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; lifetime time 3600 secs; compression_algorithm deflate; } sainfo address 76.11.xxx.xxx any address 204.174.xxx.xxx any { remoteid 1; encryption_algorithm aes 128; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; lifetime time 3600 secs; compression_algorithm deflate; } support_proxy on; proposal_check claim; proposal { authentication_method pre_shared_key; encryption_algorithm aes 256; hash_algorithm sha1; dh_group 5; lifetime time 28800 secs; } } sainfo address 76.11.xxx.xxx any address 24.36.xxx.xxx any { remoteid 2; encryption_algorithm aes 128; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; lifetime time 3600 secs; compression_algorithm deflate; } sainfo address 76.11.xxx.xxx any address 204.174.xxx.xxx any { remoteid 1; encryption_algorithm aes 128; authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1; lifetime time 3600 secs; compression_algorithm deflate; }
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